Liberate your health

The Health Liberation Method will help you drop fat, clear brain fog, boost energy and unlock your health.


I apply the Health Liberation Method in my own life. I have condensed everything I have learned from over 12 years in the health industry to help you liberate your health


Health Educator, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Podcaster
I have Over 12 years experience in the Health and Wellness Industry, A Masters degree in Nutrition and Public Health as well as extensive experience helping people lose fat, change their lifestyle and unlock their health potential.
I see people on a daily basis who are locked in a cycle of motivation, applying incorrect health practices, not getting the results they deserve and then losing the will power to continue.
I have personally battled poor health, immune disorders, eczema, allergies, weight gain, body dysmorphia, knee pain and back pain, so I understand what it feels like to be locked in a body that isn’t as healthy as it could be.
My experience is distilled down into an easy to a clear Method to help you liberate your health.


Eliments of the Health Liberation Method



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